
Kompleks Al Khawarizmi

Complex Al Khawarizmi

Complex Al Khawarizmi

Complex Falak Al Khwarizmi was established in 2008 with the status of the company under the control of the Majlis Agama Islam Melaka. Modus Operandi Al Khwarizmi major Astronomy Complex is one of the training center complete with hostel facilities and metering facilities for joint training or courses. Among the target groups are:

  1. Students - students of primary and secondary
  2. University students and IPTSJ
  3. Government departments and statutory bodies of Educational Institutions

For further information or questions:

Al Falak complex Khawrizmi Sdn Bhd
Balik Kampung Batu, A'Famosa 78300,
Masjid Tanah, Alor Gajah, Melaka.

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Malacca Islamic Religion Council,
Pusat Islam Melaka,
Bukit Palah, 75400,

G : 2.21462, 102.26442

T : +606 283 7416 / 283 2077 / 284 9809
F : +606 282 6033
E : admin@maim.gov.my

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  • On Wednesday 22 January 2025, 02:03:36.

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