
ABMS MS ISO 37001:2016

Bil Borang Muat Turun
1 Buku Malaysian Standard Anti-Bribery Management System  download-icon
2 Prosedur Pengurusan Aduan Integriti MAIM  download-icon
3 Bribery Risk Assessment (BRA) MAIM  download-icon
4 Garis Panduan Penerapan Etika Penggunaan Media Sosial Kakitangan MAIM  download-icon
5 Manual Kualiti MS ISO 37001 : 2016 ABMS MAIM download-icon
6 Polisi Anti Rasuah MAIM  download-icon
7 Polisi Pemberian dan Penerimaan Hadiah MAIM  download-icon
8 Kod Etika dan Tatakelakuan MAIM  download-icon
9 Pelan Anti Rasuah Nasional 2019-2023 download-icon
10 Polisi Perlindungan Pemberi Maklumat (Whistleblowing) download-icon
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Malacca Islamic Religion Council,
Pusat Islam Melaka,
Bukit Palah, 75400,

G : 2.21462, 102.26442

T : +606 283 7416 / 283 2077 / 284 9809
F : +606 282 6033
E : admin@maim.gov.my

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