
Client's Charter Achievement

Section Customer CharterAchievement Level
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Zakat Distribution Perform an investigation into the application and give assistance to successful applicants within 35 working days from the date of application. 86 % 86 % 20 % 51 % 88 % 89 %
Wakaf Implement the application wakaf process within 30 working days. 86 %

86 %

22 %

0 %

85 %

88 %

MAL Impliment The Baitulmal Division Land Redemtion Process Within 60 Working Days 83 % 85 % 83 % 83 % 85 % 85 %
Registration of convert

i) Process The Registration of Converts and the issuance of a declaration card to Islam within 45 minutes of receipt of the completed form 

ii) Implement knowledge improvement programs for muslim at least 24 times a year

83 % 83 % 44 % 46 % 89% 100%
Orphanage Management To ensure that the performance of students of who occupy the Orphanage has an improvement according to the accessment scale 100 % 100 % 35 % 32 % 67 % 100 %
Customer Complaint Managment  Ensure that feedback on complaints received in answered within 3 working days and take action on complaints within 14 working days 63 % 63 % 83 % 50 % 89 % 75 %
Account Claim payments are processed within 14 working days from the date of receipt of a complete claim (except payment of allowances and emoluments


100 %


100 %


100 %


100 %


100 %


100 %

Section Customer CharterAchievement Level
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Zakat Distribution  Perform an investigation into the application and give assistance to successful applicants within 21 working days from the date of application. 86 % 86 % 60 %
Wakaf Implement the wakaf aplication process within 3 working months from the period the complete application is received 86 %

86 %

71 %

MAL Implement the Baitulmal Division Land Redemption Process Within 60 Working Days 83 % 85 % 73 %
Registration of convert

i) Process The Registration of Converts and the issuance of a declaration card to Islam within 45 minutes of receipt of the completed form

ii) Implement knowledge improvement programs for muslim at least 24 times a year

83 % 83 % 99 %
Orphanage Management

To ensure that the performance of students who occupy the orphanage has an improvement according to the assesment scale.

*precentage of marks taken based on passing status 

100 % 100 %

Ren = 62 %

Men = 44 %

Customer Complaint Managment  Ensure that feedback on complaints received in answered within 3 working days and take action on complaints within 14 working days 63 % 63 % 75 %
Account Claim payments are processed within 14 working days from the date of receipt of a complete claim (except payment of allowances and emoluments


100 %


100 %


100 %

* The level of achievement of the client's charter is measured by year

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Malacca Islamic Religion Council,
Pusat Islam Melaka,
Bukit Palah, 75400,

G : 2.21462, 102.26442

T : +606 283 7416 / 283 2077 / 284 9809
F : +606 282 6033
E : admin@maim.gov.my

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  • On Wednesday 22 January 2025, 02:03:36.

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